The Tracy Morgan Show

Tracy Morgan stars in this sharp-edged family comedy as father, husband and small business owner Tracy Mitchell, who with his beautiful, nononsense wife Alicia (Tamala Jones), share their modest apartment with their two kids, 13-year-old Derrick (Marc John Jefferies) and 7-year-old Jimmy (Bobb’e J. Thompson). At work at his auto garage, Mitchell is responsible for his other more dysfunctional family of mechanics: Spoon (John Witherspoon) and Bernard (Heavy D) who on a daily basis remind Tracy of the headaches of running a business as they contend with neighborhood characters and wouldbe customers such as Fredddie (Katt Williams).

Number of Episodes: 18
Original Network: NBC
Original Airdate: December 2, 2003
Genre: Sitcom
Running Time: 30 minutes
Awards: N/A